Replace Task Assignees
Replace all TaskAssignees on a Task with new TaskAssignees.
A TaskAssignee is an assignment of a Resource to a Task. You can assign multiple Resources to a Task and designate how much of their time will be allocated to this Task.
In the request body, id is the id of the Resource you would like to assign to the Task, and assignedEffort is the amount of time that Resource is expected to spend on the task. assignedEffort should be entered in minutes.
Path parameters
The unique identifier of the Task whose TaskAssignees will be replaced
Bearer authentication of the form Bearer <token>, where token is your auth token.
The name of the calling system passed along as a header parameter
The unique identifier of the TaskAssignee to which work is being assigned.
The new amount of effort to assign for this Resource. This value is measured in minutes.
If the API call failed, this will contain information about the error that occurred.
True if the API call succeeded; false otherwise.
True if the API call failed.
The HTTP code of the response.
Returns the id of a specific ChangeSet