Upload Project File
Uploads a file to the All Files folder on the Files page within the project that you specify.
ProjectManager allows you to store Files connected to other elements of your Workspace such as a Project, a Task, or Home. Files are maintained separately based on the location where the file was stored.
When you upload a File, please allow a few moments for the File to be processed and verified. ProjectManager may reject File uploads that contain problems such as malware. Once a File has completed the upload the process, you may retrieve it using the DownloadFile API.
This API returns a JSON response indicating success or failure.
Path parameters
The reference to the project
Bearer authentication of the form Bearer <token>, where token is your auth token.
The name of the calling system passed along as a header parameter
If the API call failed, this will contain information about the error that occurred.
True if the API call succeeded; false otherwise.
True if the API call failed.
The HTTP code of the response.
Represents a file in project manager