Create Task
Create a new Task within a specified project.
A Task is an individual element of work that must be performed to complete a Project. A Task can have one or more Resources assigned to it. Tasks can be linked to other Tasks to indicate whether they have a dependency or a connection.
Path parameters
The unique identifier of the Project that will contain this Task
Bearer authentication of the form Bearer <token>, where token is your auth token.
The name of the calling system passed along as a header parameter
The common name of this Task.
A description of the work to be performed in this Task.
The numerical percentage, from 0-100, representing the percentage completion for this Task. Any numbers below zero or above 100 will be clamped to the minimum or maximum value.
This value can be edited manually in the Gantt chart view of the application, or can be selected on the Task Detail page within the Kanban board.
The unique identifier of the TaskStatus for this Task
A numerical value representing the Priority of this Task
A list of unique identifiers of TaskAssignees to be assigned to this Task
The date when work on this Task is planned to begin.
The date when work on this Task is expected to complete.
The planned duration (in minutes) for this Task. Cannot be negative.
The planned effort (in minutes) for this Task. Cannot be negative.
The planned cost for this Task. Cannot be negative.
The date when work on this Task actually started, if known.
The actual cost of this Task to date, if known.
Color theme definition for this task.
eg. Blue, Brown, DarkBlue, DarkGrey, Gold, Green, Grey, LightBrown, LightGreen, LightGrey, LightPurple, LightYellow, Magenta, Mauve, Navy, Orange, Purple, Red.
Unlocked tasks can be adjusted by changes to their dependencies, resource leveling, or other factors.
All tasks are unlocked by default.
If a task is set to IsLocked
= true
, the dates and assigned resources are locked for this task and will not
be automatically changed by any process.
True if this task is a milestone. Milestones represent a specific point in time for the project. When a milestone is locked, it represents a fixed time within the project that can be used to relate to other tasks.
If the API call failed, this will contain information about the error that occurred.
True if the API call succeeded; false otherwise.
True if the API call failed.
The HTTP code of the response.
Returns the id of a specific ChangeSet