Update File
Updates information about a File uploaded to your Workspace.
ProjectManager allows you to store Files connected to other elements of your Workspace such as a Project, a Task, or Home. Files are maintained separately based on the location where the file was stored.
When you upload a File, please allow a few moments for the File to be processed and verified. ProjectManager may reject File uploads that contain problems such as malware. Once a File has completed the upload the process, you may retrieve it using the DownloadFile API.
This API returns a JSON response indicating success or failure.
Path parameters
The unique identifier of the File to update
Bearer authentication of the form Bearer <token>, where token is your auth token.
The name of the calling system passed along as a header parameter
The new name for the File.
To assign this File to a Task, specify the TaskId here.
To move this File to a new Folder, specify the Folder’s unique identifier here.
If the API call failed, this will contain information about the error that occurred.
True if the API call succeeded; false otherwise.
True if the API call failed.
The HTTP code of the response.