Create Task Comments
Adds a Markdown-formatted comment to a task.
Tasks can have discussions attached to them. These discussions can include text with simple formatting. Discussion comments are formatted using Markdown and users should be aware that HTML embedding is not permitted due to the risk of cross-site attacks and other embedding challenges.
Path parameters
The unique ID number of the task being commented upon
Bearer authentication of the form Bearer <token>, where token is your auth token.
The name of the calling system passed along as a header parameter
The text of the comment to add to the discussion, in Markdown format.
Discussion comments are formatted using Markdown and users should be aware that HTML embedding is not permitted due to the risk of cross-site attacks and other embedding challenges.
If the API call failed, this will contain information about the error that occurred.
True if the API call succeeded; false otherwise.
True if the API call failed.
The HTTP code of the response.
Tasks can have discussions attached to them. These discussions can include text with simple formatting. Discussion comments are formatted using Markdown and users should be aware that HTML embedding is not permitted due to the risk of cross-site attacks and other embedding challenges.